Looking to remove stubborn residue from your furniture? Fusion's Odourless Solvent works beautifully to break down buildup and is free from harmful toxic aromas, too!
This solvent is 99.9% refined from toxic aromatics and is the purest form available on the market today.
As an added bonus, this is great for cleaning your wax brushes, or brushes used with oil based products like Stain and Finishing Oil or Gel Stain & Top Coat.
A must in your paint kit!

To remove wax and silicone based polishes from your furniture, apply either directly onto your piece by pouring it on, or onto a rag and apply to remove waxes., etc. This will break down the waxes or other sticky residue.

This depends on the application, but one bottle should last 3-6 projects that are coated in wax.

Odourless solvent is great for removing wax from previously waxed furniture pieces.
Perfect substitute for turpentine and mineral thinner. It is used to clean tools and brushes that have been used with oil-based or wax products.
It is an excellent degreaser and excellent prep tool to have in your kit.!
Great for cleaning wax brushes!

The Odourless solvent is a clear flammable liquid.
If you want to add this versatile product to your paint supplies, you can find it HERE.